What is SuperCue?

SuperCue is the brain child of co-founders Rebekah Charlton and Marya Hopman.

The pair met through the ACC Live Stronger for Longer campaign - Rebekah as Community Services Manager for Enliven Older People Services East Coast, and Marya as a group fitness instructor and corrective exercise specialist in Napier. 

Through their work on the regional Falls Prevention Group, they recognised the need for a new approach to seniors group exercise.

Find out more about Rebekah and Marya
Seniors exerise programmes needs to be more challenging.

Seniors exercise is often too "safe" and "easy." This only lowers the bar of capability and expectations. Most seniors can do more than they realise!

The programmes also needed to cater for fitter individuals. 

Programmes need to be more educational.

There is so much focus on simply getting people moving, and very little education on "how" they should be moving.

This should include in-depth and frequent instruction on posture, how to sit, stand, squat, push, pull, bend and twist, as well as breathing and balance. 

Better training and support for those who deliver the exercise programmes.

This includes group fitness instructors and health professionals, as well as retirement village and rest home activities coordinators and care givers.

Specific training for senior exercise has been limited and often not recognised as a necessity.

Programmes need to be cost effective and accessible.

New Zealand has many remote and under-resourced communities. The population is diverse in its tastes and needs.

For these reasons it can difficult to find appropriate fitness solutions.

Why seniors exercise?

We are facing an increasingly ageing population, who face a higher risk of falls and injury. The repercussions for individuals, families and communities are immense.  There is a critical need for better exercise options for this demographic group to improve quality of life and reduce the social and financial burden. 

At SuperCue we aim to tick all the boxes:

  • We develop choreographed exercise programmes that are fun and effective.
  • Our programmes include education on breathing, posture and movement.
  • They are available for at-home use, online or on DVD.
  • Community classes are available with either a qualified instructor or via online streaming.
  • We train and support professional and wannabe instructors for this specific demographic.
  • We train and support retirement village and rest home activities coordinators to guide residents through our videos.

Why choose SuperCue?

Our point of difference is our in-depth instruction. We guarantee this gives immediate results! Our class participants become more conscious of how they sit, stand and move. This provides lifelong learning that benefits them every day. And this is key to maintaining their confidence and independence.

What is the big picture?

The aim is to reduce the risk of falling and it's devastating consequences.

We do this by improving strength, balance and mobility in a way that is fun, accessible and life changing. That may be a big call, but is not over-selling the benefits of our programmes. It is so much more than getting people moving! Our specialised instruction and delivery make all the difference, particularly for this demographic.

Through SuperCue we can...

  • Reach people who are house-bound or in remote areas.
  • We can train and support care-givers, instructors and organisations.
  • We can tailor programmes for specific needs.
  • We can educate and empower!

Do you want to know more about SuperCue?